The Love Project 'Mother'

For several years now I have been considering the fact that our Western culture employs only one word for the many different facets of 'Love'---our greatest treasure on Earth. Other cultures use different words--why don't we? I think it is time we redefined the faces of 'Love'. We should invent new words--or reinstate ancient ones now lost.

Poet Andrew Barber has written a simply beautiful essay on the first, and very important 'Love' in our lives--that of 'Mother'. (

In this blog post I have attempted to define the different roles that 'She' plays in our lives. Here is a simple ditty that I hope says a lot. If you think of any definitions I have omitted, do post your ideas! I hope this might develop into an exciting project shared by many. What 'Love' facet shall we look at next?


Mother Blessed Virgin; haloed, ever mine,
Mother warm Earth; under feet to define.

Mother conceiving; her womb as a temple,
Mother as nurse with first-born; sigh-simple.

Mother provider; babes wake through the night,
Mother my guide; mopping tears, holding tight.

Mother as cook, wooden spoon and egg-timer,
Mother as crafter, thimble and wool-winder.

Mother my taxi, washer-woman the best,
Mother encouragement—flee me the nest.

Mother of bride, consumed by soft tears,
Mother as friend, maintaining the years.

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! Here's to a LOVING and Blessed 2013
Marina X

Marina De Nadous